Press Trip & Media Fam Tour Request
The Grand County Colorado Tourism Board hosts a limited number of group press trips every year, providing air, hotel, meals and a complete itinerary. If you would like to be considered for one of these trips, please let us know by emailing [email protected].
For media coming to Grand County on their own schedule, the GCCTB can provide press releases, new articles photos, b-roll video (limited), itinerary suggestions, and local contacts. When possible, the GCCTB will assist with complimentary meals, guides and lodging (complimentary or media rates). Please note that this is based on availability and budget, therefore complete assistance is not guaranteed. Thank you for your understanding.
To assist in our planning, we do require that you please provide the following:
1. A minimum of two-week notice.
2. An assignment letter/email or a list of publications or websites where the story will be pitched.
3. Fill out the below form.
Thank you for your interest in Grand County and the surrounding region. We look forward to working with you on a story regarding the Grand County!
Sincerely, the Grand County Colorado Tourism Board